Friday, July 30, 2010

Well Hello There!

Well hello there. Thanks for visiting.

So before we begin with the blogging or whatever it is we plan on posting here, let me give you a background on how NilagangSabaw came to be... and what the meaning of NilagangSabaw is (for those of you who aren't Filipino in nature or spirit) (yep we're assuming that we'll have a global audience)

Alright? So lets move on shall we?


As for those of you who have no idea what Nilaga is, it is a local Filipino dish... or soup. To give you an image, imagine a bowl or a cup, or to make things simpler...

pictured: bowl

Now fill that bowl with water. Warm water would be good enough for Nilaga but boiling water's the best.

Now add some flavoring into the mixture of bowl and water and voila! You have your very own Nilaga. You can put ingredients as simple as salt. or sugar. or pepper. It doesn't matter! 

As long as the hot water doesn't taste like normal water, that's called Nilaga!

sometimes, according to Google Image Search, cats are fine flavoring too!

So now we've explained what Nilaga is. now to the sabaw part...


Sabaw is the Filipino term for soup. or is that sopas? Well that's the original meaning of the word but currently it points to an action or a state of a person that normally, we associate with words such as "wtf?" "sabog!" "bangag!" "dude you high?"

I don't really know how and I can't find the proper words so here are some quick search of images on how sabaw looks like...

Nilaga not included.

here we see a ninja, a schoolgirl and is that a luchador?!

and finally here's another showing a hor-wtf is that?!

Holy shit! So that's the range of what Sabaw encompasses. apparently, sabaw means a lot of things. That's a wide spectrum of meaning over there: from being perceived as a simple meal to seeing scenes that don't really make sense to hallucinating 2-effin'-legged horses...

So what now? Well there you go. I guess there will be mostly hints of substantial contents mixed with sabaw-ness here and there.

and seminerd was taken (which we hoped would drive the direction of this blog: nerdy with some double entendres) even different variations of nerdgasm/nerdgasmic. so we ended up with something that can be too obscure for the general public.


  1. wow. so you guys got a blog now. why not. hahaha. ngayon ko lang nakita. kudos men!

  2. thanks thanks! hopefully magtuloy-tuloy ito.
