This one's pretty old, and I mean seriously OLD... but it still amazes me. There has been, for some time now (like years ago pa yata ito), an internet meme that involves Jesus and.... DINOSAURS! Here let me show you the image that I saw that got me to write about it:
Holy Velociraptor! |
Woah! Look at Jesus! Look at his ride! Could you make it any awesome-er? See more images (THERE ARE LOTS MORE!) after the cut.
Now take a look at that picture again. Just think about it for a minute. Or an hour. Look at how cool that makes both of the characters in that drawing. Wait to keep you from scrolling up, I'll post it here once more, it's that awesome!
Now look at the details of the image |
As you can clearly see now,
the page is from a Beginner's Bible Coloring Book. If you take a closer look at the instructions as to what colors to use, you can clearly see that the authors of the said book got a lot more creative:
Rapturous Red (See what they did there? Raptor + Rapture. oooh clever?)
Perfect White
Behemoth Blue (They're clearly going through various bible terminologies)
Leviathan Green
Omnipotent Yellow
and of course how could they not include the color Flesh of Christ!
Seriously though, search the internet and you will see
A LOT of these Jesus riding dinosaurs thing.
.jpg) |
Is that how they both rolled? |
It makes you ask though, what if God really did leave at least a set of dinosaurs for Jesus to ride around on while spreading the good news? That Bible Coloring Page said that Dinosaurs
WE WILL NEVER BE SURE IF JESUS EVER USED THEM. Here are some more images just to see how great this idea is.
.jpg) |
Is that a Brontosaurus? And a baby... Crocodile? |
Can you imagine? |
Now I'm wondering if this is considered blasphemous or not. What do you guys think? Is it? I kinda got that first image from a
Christian Website so I'm not sure. There are other sources here as well so you can go ahead and do some more research if you got curious. And final note: Jesus riding a Velociraptor is
different from Raptor Jesus. Just saying.
hahaha ang friendly ng mga dinosaurs!!!