Saturday, July 31, 2010

Image for the Moment: Dreams

Just to let everyone know that most of the time, I spend my break times looking up images on the internet that elicits laughter in me in some way. And from time to time I'd be sharing some of these finds here.

I know Inception's been out like a week or two ago but this image still makes me laugh. (and maybe I'd write a movie review of that just to kick start the review section here)

Here's Xzibit pimpin' Dom Cobb.

Pimp My Dreamz?

Well apparently even Xzibit's pimpin' is not enough for Leo's Cobb. As for those of you who have not heard (or seen i think is the more appropriate term) about this meme, here are some more examples of Xzibit in action:


I sure miss watching Pimp My Ride on MTV. Oh btw, where the hell is MTV Philippines? I still remember those days when during the wee hours of the morning I'd just tune in on MTV and watch their videos or their programming since nothing's interesting on the other channels. I remember even memorizing the music videos that they'll be showing since normally they repeat those videos they played earlier that same day. And I


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