Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's like Twilight! only 1000X Better!!!!

So just recently, like last week type of recently, at the San Diego Comic Con, Zack Snyder shared this to the viewing public anddd oohhh boy, we men got our reply to that girly film people know as Twilight. Ladies, and more importantly, for the Gentlemen, here it is: Sucker Punch

Holy effing edward cullen! Just look at that! You know this here's some sort of revenge for all that slimey, weird and emotional stuff that Twilight's been spreading all over the world these past couple of years.

It's got swords, guns, explosions, guns, samurais, sword fights, girls, gunfights, is that a minotaur holding some kind of machine gun fighting a girl wielding a long ass sword in what seems to be an epic battle? Nasabi ko yung girls? And.. And if you've manage to miss it, there's a freaking DRAGON IN THE MOVIE! That breathes fire! And makes things blow up like shit! MAY DRAGON NA LUMILIPAD NA NAGPAPASABOG NG MGA BAGAY BAGAY! Just plain wow man. Jacob's abs and Edward's umm hair(?) are nothing, and let me spell N-O-T-H-I-N-G compared to what we have here.

Well yeah I know the story may end up crappy and all that, but WHO CARES?! All you need to know are: Girls-kicking ass-swordfights-explosions-against DRAGONS! omfg!